I'm bored with all my projects. It's all I can do to keep from casting on for something new but then that would be, oh, 6 active projects at once and I can't handle that. Here's a glimpse of what's boring me these days...
I've finished the back and just about finished the right front of my Hideout Coat from the Fall 07 Knitscene.
It's a quick knit but it's been put on the back burner until the weather cools down more due to its largeness. Also, I have been bit in the butt by my cheapness. Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick. How can something that's 75% acrylic felt so easily as I'm knitting with it? Knitting this is soooo mindless but after working on it for an hour it's too big to be very portable so I pick it up during especially mind-boggling episodes of the X-Files.
Moving on.
The Chelsea Sweater from the loverly Twinkle Big City Knits. I really do like it. It fits nicely, the yarn is soft. I just hate setting in sleeves! I've done the one as you can see and the other is just sitting there patiently for me but there's just this mental block. Another issue: why, oh why, did I think that sage green and deep violet would look good as the edging on my coral cardigan? I'm thinking I'm going to have to rip out the purple and just have the green. Yes?
I've made good progress on my dad's Sinead Scarf from the Berroco website. I do like the pattern and when I actually sit down with it I can pump a good deal out. I guess subconsciously I've decided that since I'm more than halfway done and it's only SEPTEMBER I can take a break, right? I mean, see how it stretches all the way across my ugly yellow chair?
This is me thinking can I get away with it only being 50"? (It's a little over 30" now).