Sunday, April 22, 2007


So, I've started, ripped out, and restarted the Novella Socks 5 times. Why? Because for some FREAKIN' REASON, I keep twisting the stitches when I join in the round. I feel like an idiot. I've decided to at least start them on circulars instead of DPNs because I hate casting onto DPNs and I have to cast on 150 sts. I think I'm going to put this project down for a while.

What I REALLY want to do is this top from the new Debbie Bliss Summer Essentials book:

I want it in black, since I don't have a summer-weight dressy cardigan-type thing. I can't afford Pure Silk ($15.40/skein?) so I'm going to try to do it in the Silkience. My new favorite yarn.

I got my KnitPicks stuff yesterday. The chunky alpaca/cashmere/silk/merino (Panache) is loverly and that will become a hat and something else. The hat will definitely be the Asymmetrical Cable hat from One Skein. I don't really know why I got 3 skeins of this stuff. I guess there are always uses for chunky off white yarn.

The lace weight merino is lovely as well but it won't be right for the Lingerie Dress. Alas, I will have to buy the Douceur et Soie after all. Maybe I will try my hand at dyeing with this merino lace weight and do a huge shawl (that I will finish when I'm 50).