Tuesday, June 5, 2007

For others

I was working in the yarn shop the other day, trying to decide what project to start next, and my dear old Tante Yetta popped into my head. She's the one who taught me how to crochet. And she came to my birthday dinner on Saturday and gave me two wonderful cookbooks. So I've decided I want to crochet her something. I'm now well into the Sweet Pea Shawl from The Happy Hooker and it's a pretty mindless pattern that I hope will look pretty when it's done. I'm using Silkience again, this time in turquoise, her favorite color. I wanted to try out a new yarn for this project but nothing was as shiny and the right color as Silkience so there ya go.

I've also promised a hat for my little cousin Sami. When she visited the shop on Saturday she picked out some yarn she likes, Lain du Nord Baby Cover in shades of lavender. So I'm going to make her a simple ribbed hat with a pom pom on top.

I don't make things for other people nearly as often as I should. It is so nice to make people feel appreciated plus it motivates me to finish faster. After seeing how ecstatic my mom was with the Short 'n' Sweet bolero, I decided that not everything I make has to be for myself.

Oh, and here's a washcloth I finished a while back. Haven't gotten around to making more yet, but I have the patterns picked out.